More Anti-Bullying Programs
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Bullying on the Sports Field
Questions & Answers on Sports Bullying
Sports Quiz for Parents
Teaching Sportsmanship
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"Dr. Joel Haber has helped our community develop a school-wide anti-bullying
program. Teachers, aides and students have learned strategies to effectively deal with bullies
and ways to support victims. Dr. Haber possesses a world of knowledge and is able to communicate
this information to adults and students in a positive way. Thanks to Dr. Haber the students
in our school have been taught life-long skills to help them cope with conflict situations."
-Dr. Ellen Medd
School Psychologist
"Let me tell you how the � evidence has been so positive as to create
a strong momentum for more such work in our district...and elsewhere. A very positive effort!"
-John Chambers
Have Dr. Haber
Speak to Your Group

Dr. Joel Haber is not just a clinical psychologist. He�s a dynamic speaker who connects,
empathizes, engages and makes a real difference in the lives of those who have been and are
being bullied. more �
Anti-Bullying Programs
For Sports

Play vs. Foul Play.
Appropriate vs. Inappropriate Behavior.
Trash Talk?
Playing to Win�or Bullying?
On the sports field or court, a fine line exists between competitive play and bullying. When
does a player cross the line between fair play and foul play?
I have spoken on ESPN radio to deal with the problems of bullying within sports. The increased
involvement of negative behavior by parents on and off the field has led to Codes of Conduct
being utilized around the country to lessen the impact of bullying.
The Respect U Sports Program was developed to help decrease bullying behavior seen
on the sports field. It provides coaches, players and parents with the material they need to
reduce the bullying that negatively impacts the enjoyment of sports in our youth.
My training is practical, flexible and entertaining�and involves the entire team and community
in solutions. If we provide the guidelines for sports to be competitive and fun, and help teams
develop a �winning� attitude that does not involve bullying, we�re on our way to a successful
season. I help players, coaches and teammates learn the difference between �fair play� and �foul
play,� which sets the bullying line from the first day of practice.
The program covers:
- Bullying in the sports environment - Is it necessary or a hindrance to success?
- On and off-the-field (e.g., locker room, Internet, on-the-road) bullying
- Gender differences in bullying and its rapid change
- The critical role of teammates doing the right thing
The program has been implemented successfully with all levels of players and a variety of

More Sports Training Tools
Dr. Haber has worked with Expert Online Training to create a Sportsmanship Training Video
for the camp world. Please contact him at [email protected]
for information on how to view or utilize this video.
Personalized Consultation Services for Parents/Families:

There are times when specific coaching sessions are not enough to resolve more complicated
issues. Dr. Haber is available to work with you and/or family based on the needs
of your own situation. His parent coaching and anti-bully expertise has a long and distinguished
record in overcoming difficult family dynamics or specific problem situations you may be experiencing.
This may involve phone consultations or face to face meetings.