More Anti-Bullying Programs
The Bully in the Workplace
by Dr. Haber
Employees suffering from bullying at the hands of their bosses or co-workers have been
getting some new attention of late.
Bullying is all about power. It happens when a boss or employee (the bully) targets a
single worker (the victim) and uses behavior that has the intention to hurt or undermine
Bullying appears in lots of obvious or insidious ways. Physical bullying, like taking
office possessions or loading up on impossible tasks may not be as painful as verbal bullying
� yelling, public insults or demeaning comments � but still has a negative impact.
more �
Have Dr. Haber
Speak to Your Group

Dr. Joel Haber is not just a clinical psychologist. He�s a dynamic speaker who connects,
empathizes, engages and makes a real difference in the lives of those who have been and are
being bullied. more �
Workplace Bullying Case
Dr. Haber receives hundreds of personal communications every year about workplace bullying.
Hello: My name is S. and I have been cyberbullied by my former program
manager for the past 5 years. In 2009, I was forced to resign or be fired. At the time,
I was going through some major difficulties. Although I was a very strong and assertive
individual, this individual took advantage of my situation in the most humiliating way.
Before I chose to resign, I found another job and had to sign an indemnity agreement.
months later, this program manager continued to target me through emails because I was still
in the same field but not in his corporation. I tried to get this behavior to stop but I
was not successful. I had no other choice but to take this to a lawyer and took action against
all parties that were involved. The unfortunate thing was that it emotionally and financially
took a huge toll on me and I had no choice but to drop the case.
Six months after dropping the case, this same program manager emailed
me again and started bullying me with the same intimidating comments. This made me feel
sick. Since then I have informed my immediate supervisor of this matter. I am trying to
meet with him to get this to stop.
The bullying is making it difficult for me to professionally
involve myself with the organization I loved. I laid out my concerns and sent my supervisor
an email with these concerns. Because I don't feel safe emailing my new supervisor, I wanted
to meet with him in person to see if he could help me stop this former colleague from the
taunting and intimidating behavior towards me.
This ordeal has left me feeling bad. I am on medication as a result
of this whole ordeal and just returned back to work after being off for 8 weeks. This ordeal
was a very big part of my life and consumed me for years. I don't know what to do, but I
do know that I can't continue to work if this supervisor�s unhealthy need to control and
over-power me continues under his supervision.
Thank-you for listening....SG
Anti-Bullying Programs
Bullying At Work
More than 25 million people have been bullied at work.
Many bosses bully their employees�through public humiliation, impossible assignments, and
favoritism. Other bosses use subtle methods of bullying, like ignoring a targeted worker, changing
the subject of a discussion when they walk in a room, or leaving them out of office activities.
Whatever type of bullying tactics are used, it, produces stress, anger, resentment and lack
of productivity. The dynamics of these situations are complicated and can ruin your work experience.
Bullying at work NEVER leads to good business.
Dr. Haber has consulted with many companies and educational institutions on ways to identify
and stop bullying in the workplace.
We offer business-oriented training programs that bring a company together to introduce anti-bullying
concepts for all staff. Our training methods bring these issues to light and create the opportunity
to deal with workplace bullying that occur in both overt and subtle ways. Our goal is to create
a plan that helps you get out in front of bullying prevention in your corporation. This one-day
on-site training is designed for supervisors, managers, support staff, and office workers. Our
team can also help you deal with workplace violence training which is different from workplace
bullying but no less important.

Customized Corporate Anti-Bullying and Workplace Violence Programs
Examples of topics that may be covered.
Bullying in the Workplace
- Bullying vs. workplace violence
- Types of bullying behavior including cyber bullying methods
- Overt bullying vs covert bullying
- When is bullying not �bullying� and when is it?
- Statistics on bullying in the workplace
- Responsibilities of
managers and workers
- Identifying potentially
harmful bully situations from innocuous ones
- Responding to incidents
- Prevention of workplace
- Policy and reporting procedures including electronic communications
- Follow-up to incident
- Employer risk and liability
- Related consequences
- Benefits of addressing vs costs of poor management
Workplace Violence
- What is workplace violence?
- Types of workplace violence
- Statistics on workplace violence
- Responsibilities of
managers and workers
- Identifying potentially
violent situations to prevent risk
- Responding to violent
- Prevention of workplace
- Policy and reporting procedures
- Follow-up to work-place incident Risk and liability
- Reasons to address vs. lost productivity
Speaking Engagements for your Corporation:
Dr. Haber can provide expert speaking presentations to your company:
- �Bullying in the Workplace�
- �Bullying from the School Yard to the Boardroom�
- �Relational Aggression in the Workplace�
- �Strategies to Reduce Workplace Bullying�
Personalized Consultation

Dr. Haber also offers Individualized Consultations for Adults
involved in Corporate bullying situations which can be done through I-Chat, Skype, etc.
Don�t let a bullying situation ruin your life. Contact Dr. Haber
to set up a private consultation to help you deal with bullying problems that are destroying
your professional life!